Directly use Unicode symbols in yaml config

This commit is contained in:
Claudio Bley 2020-04-20 08:58:05 +02:00
parent 5d8b8288d7
commit 53a6bef959
2 changed files with 80 additions and 80 deletions

View file

@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
ai: "\ue7b4"
android: "\ue70e"
apple: "\uf179"
audio: "\uf001"
avro: "\ue60b"
c: "\ue61e"
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cpp: "\ue61d"
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d: "\ue7af"
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db: "\uf1c0"
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gform: "\uf298"
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go: "\ue626"
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hs: "\ue777"
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java: "\ue204"
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less: "\ue758"
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lua: "\ue620"
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npmignore: "\ue71e"
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rb: "\ue21e"
rdb: "\ue76d"
rss: "\uf09e"
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shell: "\uf489"
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ts: "\ue628"
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txt: "\uf15c"
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vim: "\ue62b"
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xls: "\uf1c3"
xml: "\ue619"
yarn.lock: "\ue718"
yml: "\uf481"
zip: "\uf410"
ai: ""
android: ""
apple: ""
audio: ""
avro: ""
c: ""
clj: ""
coffee: ""
conf: ""
cpp: ""
css: ""
d: ""
dart: ""
db: ""
diff: ""
doc: ""
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ebook: ""
env: ""
epub: ""
erl: ""
file: ""
font: ""
gform: ""
git: ""
go: ""
gruntfile.js: ""
hs: ""
html: ""
image: ""
iml: ""
java: ""
js: ""
json: ""
jsx: ""
less: ""
log: ""
lua: ""
md: ""
mustache: ""
npmignore: ""
pdf: ""
php: ""
pl: ""
ppt: ""
psd: ""
py: ""
r: ""
rb: ""
rdb: ""
rss: ""
rubydoc: ""
sass: ""
scala: ""
shell: ""
sqlite3: ""
styl: ""
tex: ""
ts: ""
twig: ""
txt: ""
video: ""
vim: ""
windows: ""
xls: ""
xml: ""
yarn.lock: ""
yml: ""
zip: ""

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
.atom: "\ue764"
.git: "\uf1d3"
.github: "\uf408"
.rvm: "\ue21e"
.Trash: "\uf1f8"
.vscode: "\ue70c"
config: "\ue5fc"
folder: "\uf115"
hidden: "\uf023"
lib: "\uf121"
node_modules: "\ue718"
.atom: ""
.git: ""
.github: ""
.rvm: ""
.Trash: ""
.vscode: ""
config: ""
folder: ""
hidden: ""
lib: ""
node_modules: ""