
44 lines
1.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#compdef colorls
typeset -A opt_args
local context state line
_arguments -s -S \
"-a[do not ignore entries starting with .]" \
"--all[do not ignore entries starting with .]" \
"-A[do not list . and ..]" \
"--almost-all[do not list . and ..]" \
"-d[show only directories]" \
"--dirs[show only directories]" \
"-f[show only files]" \
"--files[show only files]" \
"--gs[show git status for each file]" \
"--git-status[show git status for each file]" \
"--report[show brief report]" \
"--format[use format: accross (-x), horizontal (-x), long (-l), single-column (-1)]" \
"-1[list one file per line]" \
"-l[use a long listing format]" \
"--long[use a long listing format]" \
"--tree[shows tree view of the directory]" \
"-x[list entries by lines instead of by columns]" \
"--sd[sort directories first]" \
"--sort-dirs[sort directories first]" \
"--group-directories-first[sort directories first]" \
"--sf[sort files first]" \
"--sort-files[sort files first]" \
"-t[sort by modification time, newest first]" \
"-U[do not sort; list entries in directory order]" \
"-S[sort by file size, largest first]" \
"-X[sort by file extension]" \
"--sort[sort by WORD instead of name: none, size (-S), time (-t), extension (-X)]" \
"-r[reverse order while sorting]" \
"--reverse[reverse order while sorting]" \
"--color[colorize the output: auto, always (default if omitted), never]" \
"--light[use light color scheme]" \
"--dark[use dark color scheme]" \
"--hyperlink[]" \
"-h[prints this help]" \
"--help[prints this help]" \
"--version[show version]" \
'*:file:_files' && return 0